Saturday, June 12, 2010

The great thing at church camp.

I couldn't believe that this was going to happened to me. So here is the story. This week I was at church camp in Alabama and just go back yesterday. How was it you may ask. IT CHANGED MY LIFE. I have never been so in touched with GOD as how I was at camp. I praised him like I never praised him before. One day I was soooo caught up in him that I started speaking in tongues. For those who don't know what that is it is a gift GOD gives you when he is ready that is a language that is only spoken for him. You can't teach this language most people don't even know what they are saying unless you have the gift to translate it. But anyways that was the best thing ever. Then I also got baptize for the first time. I'm so ready to give my life to him. I'm not listening to any secular music at all. If I so happened have a friend that wants to make it in the rap game and wants me to listen I will and give my input but that's about it. But church camp is awesome I also meet five new great friends Mariah, Jarod, Kayla, Linda, and Alivia. All the pics of them are above. But all four of these people are a blessing to call friends. Kayla and I got baptized together. Me and Jarod talk and give each other advice and walk in baby steps in Christ together. And so does me and Mariah. And Alivia and Linda has such a kind loving soul I love them all.


Anonymous said...

dang who is that girl in the fourth picture bending over?
she look good!

all grown up said...

haha mariah very funny i already kno u wrote dat

Anonymous said...

lolx .
dang it ...
btt she do look good though .

all grown up said...

haha wow

humangal said...

you met linda? no way . i was looking at the pictures above and i thought she looked familiar haha.
your happy for your Spiritual growth, and your story is interesting. maybe i'll go to church camp next year and see what it's all about.