Friday, May 27, 2011

Have not blogged in forever

soooooo i have not blogged in awhile and i feel like i need to. But i really don't know what to talk about. Nothing really has been going on with me really but just me simply living my life. Oh well im really getting into film editing and my mom convinced me to try to go to college for it so yea thats what i want to do. Far as social life all my friends are the best ever. Love life is rocky lol. I think i like one guy den i dnt and think i like another so i guess im just chillin it with boys. What ever happens happens. I do have one ex boyfriend my most recent i broke up with him and he just does not know the word no. ha right when i type that my phone vibrated and its him. Check this out he has another girlfriend now and still trying to make passes to me. I guess i got it like that lol jp. But me and him are never going to be well yea so ill blog again i promise sorry if stuff is misspelled or anything i dnt feel like proof reading it lol